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Chiropody / Podiatry Clinic in Coventry

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Routine Nail Care

Basic nail care is something most of us have to deal with on a regular basis as our nails continually grow. Problems arise when you are no longer able to cope yourself, this could be problems with poor eye sight, arthritic pains or injuries to your back or hands, these can all be reasons to contact an HCPC podiatrist.

Problematic Nails, Thickened Nails and Fungal Nail Infections

Also known as onychomycosis, is a condition in which one or more of the nails of the toes become infected with fungal organisms. This causes a yellowing or other discoloration of the nail as the fungus moves deeper into the tissue. Nail fungus can be painful and may eventually lead to the separating of the nail and nail bed, a condition known as onycholysis. Treatment can include reducing the size of the nail to make it more visually appealing and make footwear more comfortable. Advice can also be given at our podiatry clinic in Coventry on the fungal infection treatments.

Ingrown Toenail

Ingrown ToenailsAn ingrown toenail occurs when the nail grows sideways into the toe. The result is pain and inflammation in the side of the toe. The big toe is most commonly affected but can affect other toes. It can be caused by any situation that interferes with the proper outward growth of the nail, such as improper trimming of the nail, trauma or incorrect footwear.

During the initial consultation at our Coventry podiatry clinic a history is obtained to determine the cause of the ingrown toenail, and to address any predisposing conditions. In some cases, the edge of the nail can be separated from the side of the toe but in many cases these require surgical removal of part, or all, of the toenail. A chemical is then applied to the nail growth centre to stop it from growing back again. Without treatment the nail may continue to grow into the side of the toe leading to progressive pain or recurring infection. It is most serious in people with underlying medical problems such as diabetes or peripheral vascular disease.

Calluses and Corns

A callus, or tyloma, on the foot is caused from repeated pressure and friction, leading to the build-up of thickened skin. The callus, which may be hard, dry or cracked, acts to protect the area underneath it. A corn is similar to a callus and is like a small core of hard skin that causes pain when pressure is applied. Both corns and callus are removed at our podiatry clinic in Coventry using sterile medical instruments providing instant relief to the painful areas of your feet.


Warts that occur on the bottom of your feet are called plantar warts or Verrucae. Often they occur on the areasof the foot that experience the most pressure, such as the ball of your foot or the heel. Because of the increased pressure to those areas from walking and physical activity, verrucae in these areas often penetrate deep into the tissue and can be very painful. Verrucae are caused by a virus known as human papilloma virus, or HPV. They can be spread in moist environments such as public showers, locker rooms and swimming areas, but not everyone who comes in contact with a verrucae will develop one.  Your podiatrist will diagnosis a verrucae based on physical exam and description of symptoms. We provide a variety of chemical treatments for verrucae. Other treatment options for plantar warts include a new microwave therapy treatment called SWIFT, and suitability for this can be made at our clinic. Verrucae can become increasingly larger and more painful and can begin to multiply into clusters of warts called mosaic warts and don`t go away with conventional over the counter acid treatments

Gait Analysis and Biomechanical Assessment

This is used to evaluate your walking gait and body movement and see its effect on the lower limb. We will check your range of motion and alignment of your hips/knees and joints in your foot and decide what treatment or advice is best suited for your needs. This could be insoles/orthotics, exercises, stretches or shockwave therapy or a combination of the above, all we ask is for you to bring some shorts and a small selection of shoes commonly worn  i.e. work/running or training shoes.

Custom Made Orthotics and Off The Shelf Insoles

With are expertise in Biomechanics, we can take a mould or cast of your feet and have custom inserts made, by prescription, to treat your feet. Custom made orthotics are designed to improve foot function, the way you walk and help to reduce soft tissue stress in the foot/lower limb and associated pathologies that can profoundly affect your entire musculo-skeletal system. Orthotics come in a variety of materials, ranging from rigid plastics, carbon to soft foam. Rigid orthotics offer the most control of movement, while the softer ones provide better cushioning and protection. We have a selection of off the shelf insoles that can be issued on the day, custom devices take at least two weeks from first appointment to issue date. The prescribing podiatrist will make the best match between your needs and the qualities of the materials needed.  We prescribe orthotics and insoles for children, athletes and for everyday use!

Common problems treated at the podiatry clinic in Coventry include plantar fasciitis, heel pain, compartment syndrome or shin splints, metatarsalgia and generalised foot pain.

We are members of the Society of Podiatrists & Chiropodists and are HCPC registered.

Receipts can be given to cover most health schemes.

HCPC RegisteredThe Royal College of PodiatryBupaSimply Health
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